Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Debian Wheezy eduroam settings

And below is a screenshot of the network manager applet's dialog for eduroam for Debian Wheezy:

The password is the same one as for your email.


  1. I can confirm this eduroam setting is working from Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm :)

  2. Hello,

    first of all thanks for making a blog for Linux users, it's frustrating to see only windows support.

    I just started at UM and am using Ubuntu 12.04 which has pretty much the same dialogue. I am using the same settings, but I am unable to login. Furthermore it worked at my old university, however, there I used a certificate. Is there none for Maastricht? Furthermore, there is a warning if I don't use one but even if I ignore it, it does not log in.

    Do you have any ideas what is going wrong?

    1. Check this post:

      There is a link to a UM web page where you have to add the MAC address of your new device...

    2. Thanks for the reply, actually it now started working, it was important to erase first all eduroam settings and then correctly put them in the first time.

  3. I'm on the Hogeschool Arnhem Nijmegen trying to connect to Eduroam with Debian Wheezy. Somehow it's not working. After setting it up just like in your example it asks for a location of the CA, on which I choose to ignore and then it gives 'insufficient priveleges'.
    Are there any additional packages or certificates I should have on my system to get this work?

    1. Are you using KDE too? Do you get the same dialog? When does it ask for the CA? Would you really need the certificate, then you should ask your IT department, but I did not need mine.

      One thing I did have to do separately, is let the university computers system know my mac address.

  4. My window manager is OpenBox. NetworkManager for inet connections. But I think KDE uses NetworkManager aswell. The windows before connecting looks almost exactly the same as yours. I can leave the field after CA Certifacte blank but when I press connect it asks if I have the certificate on my pc or wether I want to ignore. After I press ignore it almost immediately stops trying.

    In a windows session I saw the only activated certificate was 'Addtrust External ..' I'm going to try to download that manually now at home and try to connect with it tomorrow.

    1. Sorry, I'm afraid I have no further suggestions :(

    2. At University of copenhagen the CA should be the eqiufax secure certificate, which may be found here:
      Maybe you can try this? I can get it to work here at UCPH either, though, but it used to work on my Windows-setup. Using Wheezy & GNOME3 now, but it doesn't seem to work. It's as if I get kicked off the network every 2 mins, or so.

  5. I'm currently using Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and for me using the whole e-mail address did not work:
    I used UNIMAAS\username, which worked for me.

    1. Rianne, the email address you need to use is indeed different, and looks like That is, you must use the old UM domain name. But it is good to hear you find another solution!
